Membuat Kuis Dengan PHP
Pada kesempatan kali ini akan memberikan tutorial bagaimana cara membuat kuis online dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, seperti yang telah kalian ketahui bersama bahwa untuk dapat membuat sebuat aplikasi ataupun halaman web yang menarik dbutuhkan sebuah kreatifitas untuk menghasilkan sebuah karya yang baik, begitupun dengan membuat aplikasi kuis ini, selain diperlukan kreatifitas, kalian juga dituntut untuk bersabar. Karena kita sedang bermain dengan sript apabila salah sedikit maka akan fatal atau gagal, inilah bahasa pemrograman.
Sebelum membuat kuis online, seperti biasa kalian harus mempersiapkan Aplikasi yang dibutuhkan seperti :
1. Text Editor
2. Xampp
3. Web Browser
4. Dan aplikasi Multimedia, atau Editing
Buka terlebih dahulu Text Editor yang kalian miliki, misalnya Dreamweaver atau kalian bisa menggunakan aplikasi utility yang ada pada sistem operasi kalian, seperti Notepad.
Kemudian Kopas Script Aplikasi Kuis dibawah ini.
<head><center><h1> Quiz 101</h1></center></head>
<form action="results_random.php" method="post">
if (isset($_POST['cmdSubmit'])) {
$n = 20; // this is the declaration of the total item on your quiz and array is used as a sttorage of //the question in order to display it in random
$links=array('What are the two binary numbers?<br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q1" value="1 and O"> 1 and O<br>
<input type="radio" name="q1" value="2 and 0"> 2 and O<br>
<input type="radio" name="q1" value="1 to 9"> 1 to 9</p>',
'It is a standard specifying a power saving feature.<br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q2" value="PnP"> PnP<br>
<input type="radio" name="q2" value="ACPI"> ACPI<br>
<input type="radio" name="q2" value="BIOS"> BIOS</p>',
'A part of a computer processor that carries out computation.<br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q3" value="CU"> CU<br>
<input type="radio" name="q3" value="CPU"> CPU<br>
<input type="radio" name="q3" value="ALU"> ALU<br>
<input type="radio" name="q3" value="RAM"> RAM</p>',
'An output which is a printed one.<br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q4" value="CLEAR COPY"> CLEAR COPY<br>
<input type="radio" name="q4" value="HARDCOPY">HARDCOPY<br>
<input type="radio" name="q4" value="SOFTCOPY"> SOFTCOPY<br>
<input type="radio" name="q4" value="PHOTOCOPY"> PHOTOCOPY</p>',
'A continous and additive process and simplifies quantitative changes<br><br>
<input type="text" name="answer" ></p>',
'The speed of computer is measured by.<br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q5" value="bit"> bit<br>
<input type="radio" name="q5" value="byte"> byte<br>
<input type="radio" name="q5" value="hertz"> hertz</p>',
'Operating system that was first introduced in 1984 with Macintosh Computer.<br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q6" value="OS/2"> OS/2<br>
<input type="radio" name="q6" value="Mac OS"> Mac OS<br>
<input type="radio" name="q6" value="UNIX"> UNIX</p>',
'The first operating system used by IBM computers.<br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q7" value="DOS"> DOS<br>
<input type="radio" name="q7" value="Windows 9x/Me"> Windows 9x/Me<br>
<input type="radio" name="q7" value="Linux"> Linux</p>',
'It is a component of operating system that exposes function to user and applications.<br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q8" value="Shell"> Shell<br>
<input type="radio" name="q8" value="Kernel"> Kernel<br>
<input type="radio" name="q8" value="Shell and Kernel"> Shell and Kernel</p>',
'It is a primary graphical interface to operating system. <br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q9" value="Windows Explorer"> Windows Explorer<br>
<input type="radio" name="q9" value="Windows Desktop"> Windows Desktop<br>
<input type="radio" name="q9" value="Windows Help"> Windows Help</p>',
'Most important electrical component of computer is: <br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q10" value="Operating System"> Operating System<br>
<input type="radio" name="q10" value="Power Supply"> Power Supply<br>
<input type="radio" name="q10" value="Application Software"> Application Software</p>',
'It visually displays primary-output of computer.<br><br>
<input type="text" name="answer2" ></p>',
'What does TCP stands for?<br><br>
<input type="text" name="answer3" ></p>',
'It provides a way to perform task without a mouse. <br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q13" value="Key Stroke Short Cuts"> Key Stroke Short Cuts<br>
<input type="radio" name="q13" value="Device Manager"> Device Manager<br>
<input type="radio" name="q13" value="System Information"> System Information</p>',
'Refers to Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me and designed to bridge legacy and newer technologies <br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q14" value="Windows NT"> Windows NT<br>
<input type="radio" name="q14" value="DOS"> DOS<br>
<input type="radio" name="q14" value="Windows 9x/Me"> Windows 9x/Me</p>',
'What is the code name of Windows Vista?<br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q15" value="Long Horn"> Long Horn<br>
<input type="radio" name="q15" value="Short Horn"> Short Horn<br>
<input type="radio" name="q15" value="Middle Horn"> Middle Horn</p>',
'Device providing temporary storage.<br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q16" value="ROM"> ROM<br>
<input type="radio" name="q16" value="RAM"> RAM<br>
<input type="radio" name="q16" value="RIMM"> RIMM</p>',
'An access point located in back or front of case. <br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q17" value="port">port<br>
<input type="radio" name="q17" value="mouse"> mouse<br>
<input type="radio" name="q17" value="keyboard"> keyboard</p>',
'One MegaHertz is equivalent to?<br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q18" value="1 Billion cycle/second"> 1 Billion cycle/second<br>
<input type="radio" name="q18" value="100 cycle/second"> 100 cycle/second<br>
<input type="radio" name="q18" value="1 million cycle/second"> 1 million cycle/second</p>',
'What is the range of CPU speed?<br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q19" value="166 MHz to 4 GHz"> 166 MHz to 4 GHz<br>
<input type="radio" name="q19" value="166 GHz to 4 MHz"> 166 GHz to 4 MHz<br>
<input type="radio" name="q19" value="167 MHz to 4 GHz"> 167 MHz to 4 GHz</p>',
'It enables secondary storage device to interface with the motherboard. <br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q20" value="ROM">ROM<br>
<input type="radio" name="q20" value="Computer"> Computer<br>
<input type="radio" name="q20" value="Parallel and Serial ATA Standard"> Parallel and Serial ATA Standard</p>',
'An output which can be seen in the screen.<br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q21" value="CLEAR COPY"> CLEAR COPY<br>
<input type="radio" name="q21" value="HARDCOPY">HARDCOPY<br>
<input type="radio" name="q21" value="SOFTCOPY"> SOFTCOPY<br>
<input type="radio" name="q21" value="PHOTOCOPY"> PHOTOCOPY</p>',
'Smallest unit of data in a computer system.<br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q22" value="BYTE"> BYTE<br>
<input type="radio" name="q22" value="KILOBYTE">KILOBYTE<br>
<input type="radio" name="q22" value="MEGABYTE"> MEGABYTE<br>
<input type="radio" name="q22" value="BIT"> BIT</p>',
'Part of main memory where it stores data temporarirly.<br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q23" value="ROM"> ROM<br>
<input type="radio" name="q23" value="FLOPPY DISK">FLOPPY DISK<br>
<input type="radio" name="q23" value="RAM"> RAM<br>
<input type="radio" name="q23" value="HARD DISK"> HARD DISK</p>',
'Software designed for hardware related task.<br><br>
<input type="radio" name="q24" value="Hardware"> Hardware<br>
<input type="radio" name="q24" value="Application Software">Application Software<br>
<input type="radio" name="q24" value="System Software"> System Software<br>
<input type="radio" name="q24" value="RAM"> RAM</p>',
'What do you call the group of microchips controlling data flow?<br><br>
<input type="text" name="answer4" ></p>'
// displaying the array in random until $n number is satisfied
$rand_keys = array_rand($links, $n);
echo "<center>". "<br><table><tr><td>";
echo "1. ". $links[$rand_keys[0]] . "<br>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "2. ".$links[$rand_keys[1]] . "<br>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "3. ". $links[$rand_keys[2]] . "<br>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "4. ".$links[$rand_keys[3]] . "<br>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "5. ".$links[$rand_keys[4]] . "<br>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "6. ".$links[$rand_keys[5]] . "<br>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "7. ".$links[$rand_keys[6]] . "<br>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "8. ".$links[$rand_keys[7]] . "<br>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "9. ".$links[$rand_keys[8]] . "<br>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "10. ".$links[$rand_keys[9]] . "<br>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "11. ". $links[$rand_keys[10]] . "<br>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "12. ".$links[$rand_keys[11]] . "<br>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "13. ". $links[$rand_keys[12]] . "<br>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "14. ".$links[$rand_keys[13]] . "<br>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "15. ".$links[$rand_keys[14]] . "<br>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "16. ".$links[$rand_keys[15]] . "<br>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "17. ".$links[$rand_keys[16]] . "<br>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "18. ".$links[$rand_keys[17]] . "<br>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "19. ".$links[$rand_keys[18]] . "<br>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
echo "20. ".$links[$rand_keys[19]] . "<br>";
you can add numbers according to your needs */
echo "</td></tr></table>";
echo "<center>". "<br>";
//for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++)
//echo $rand_keys[$i]."<br>";
<input name="cmdSubmit" type="submit" id="cmdSubmit" value="Submit"/>
<input type="hidden" name="quest" value="quiz00.php">
Setelah itu simpan dengan menggunakan nama terserah kalian, sebagai contoh kuisku.php atau bisa yang lainnya.
Kemudian kopas juga script hasil kuisnya silahkan gunakan script berikut ini.
<head><center><h1> Quiz Result 101</h1></center></head>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
$title = "Quiz Results";
echo "<title>$title</title>";
if (isset ($_POST['cmdSubmit'])) {
$name = $_POST['answer'];
$q1 = $_POST['q1'];
$q2 = $_POST['q2'];
$q3 = $_POST['q3'];
$q4 = $_POST['q4'];
$q5 = $_POST['q5'];
$q6 = $_POST['q6'];
$q7 = $_POST['q7'];
$q8 = $_POST['q8'];
$q9 = $_POST['q9'];
$q10 = $_POST['q10'];
$name11 = $_POST['answer2'];
$name12 = $_POST['answer3'];
$q13 = $_POST['q13'];
$q14 = $_POST['q14'];
$q15 = $_POST['q15'];
$q16 = $_POST['q16'];
$q17 = $_POST['q17'];
$q18 = $_POST['q18'];
$q19 = $_POST['q19'];
$q20 = $_POST['q20'];
$q21 = $_POST['q21'];
$q22 = $_POST['q22'];
$q23 = $_POST['q23'];
$q24 = $_POST['q24'];
$name25= $_POST['answer4'];
$score = 0;
//condition statement for scoring:
//$question is the question that is answered item will appear
// the only answered
if ($name == "growth" or $name == "Growth" or $name == "GROWTH") {
$question = "A continous and additive process and simplifies quantitative changes. ";
$ans = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
//if the answer is growth then the answer is correct, score is added.
$score = 1;}
elseif ($name <> "" && $name <> "growth"){ $ans = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question = "A continous and additive process and simplifies quantitative changes. ";
$score = 0;}
elseif ($name == ""){ $ans = "";
$question = "";
$score = 0;
if ($q1 == "1 and O") {
$ans1 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question1 ="What are the two binary numbers? ";
$score1 = 1;}
elseif ($q1 == "2 and 0"){ $ans1 ="<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question1 ="What are the two binary numbers? ";
$score1 = 0;}
elseif ($q1 == "1 to 9"){ $ans1 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question1 ="What are the two binary numbers? ";
$score1 = 0;}
elseif ($q1 == ""){ $ans1 = "";
$score1 = 0;
if ($q2 == "ACPI") {
$ans2 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question2 = "It is a standard specifying a power saving feature. ";
$score2 =1;}
elseif ($q2 == "BIOS"){ $ans2 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question2 = "It is a standard specifying a power saving feature. ";
$score2 =0; }
elseif ($q2 == "PnP"){ $ans2 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question2 = "It is a standard specifying a power saving feature. ";
$score2 =0; }
elseif ($q2 == ""){ $ans2 = "";
$question2 = "";
if ($q3 == "ALU") {
$ans3 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question3 = "A part of a computer processor that carries out computation. ";
$score3 = 1;}
elseif ($q3 == "CU"){ $ans3 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question3 = "A part of a computer processor that carries out computation. ";
$score3 = 0; }
elseif ($q3 == "CPU"){ $ans3 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question3 = "A part of a computer processor that carries out computation. ";
$score3 = 0; }
elseif ($q3 == "RAM"){ $ans3 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question3 = "A part of a computer processor that carries out computation. ";
$score3 = 0; }
elseif ($q3 == ""){ $ans3 = "";
$question3 = "";
$score3 = 0;
if ($q4 == "HARDCOPY") {
$ans4 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question4 ="An output which is a printed one. ";
$score4 = 1;}
elseif ($q4 == "CLEAR COPY"){ $ans4 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question4 ="An output which is a printed one. ";
$score4 = 0;}
elseif ($q4 == "SOFTCOPY"){ $ans4 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question4 ="An output which is a printed one. ";
$score4 = 0;}
elseif ($q4 == "PHOTOCOPY"){ $ans4 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question4 ="An output which is a printed one. ";
$score4 = 0;}
elseif ($q4 == ""){ $ans4 = "";
$score5 = 0;
if ($q5 == "hertz") {
$ans5 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question5 = "The speed of computer is measured by. ";
$score5 =1;}
elseif ($q5 == "bit"){ $ans5 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question5 = "The speed of computer is measured by. ";
$score5 =0; }
elseif ($q5 == "byte"){ $ans5 ="<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>" ;
$question5 = "The speed of computer is measured by. ";
$score5 =0; }
elseif ($q5 == ""){ $ans5 = "";
$question5 = "";
$score5 =0;
if ($q6 == "Mac OS") {
$ans6 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question6 = "Operating system that was first introduced in 1984 with Macintosh Computer. ";
$score6 =1;}
elseif ($q6 == "UNIX"){ $ans6 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question6 = "Operating system that was first introduced in 1984 with Macintosh Computer. ";
$score6 =0; }
elseif ($q6 == "OS/2"){ $ans6 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question6 = "Operating system that was first introduced in 1984 with Macintosh Computer. ";
$score6 =0; }
elseif ($q6 == ""){ $ans6 = "";
$question6 = "";
$score6 =0;
if ($q7 == "DOS") {
$ans7 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question7 = "The first operating system used by IBM computers. ";
$score7 =1;}
elseif ($q7 == "Windows 9x/Me"){ $ans7 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question7 = "The first operating system used by IBM computers. ";
$score7 =0; }
elseif ($q7 == "Linux"){ $ans7 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question7 = "The first operating system used by IBM computers. ";
$score7 =0; }
elseif ($q7 == ""){ $ans7 = "";
$question7 = "";
$score7 =0;
if ($q8 == "Shell") {
$ans8 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question8 = "It is a component of operating system that exposes function to user and applications. ";
$score8 =1;}
elseif ($q8 == "Kernel"){ $ans8 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";;
$question8 = "It is a component of operating system that exposes function to user and applications. ";
$score8 =0; }
elseif ($q8 == "Shell and Kernel"){ $ans8 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question8 = "It is a component of operating system that exposes function to user and applications. ";
$score8 =0; }
elseif ($q8 == ""){ $ans8 = "";
$question8 = "";
$score8 =0;
if ($q9 == "Windows Explorer") {
$ans9 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question9 = "It is a primary graphical interface to operating system. ";
$score9 =1;}
elseif ($q9 == "Windows Desktop"){ $ans9 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question9 = "It is a primary graphical interface to operating system. ";
$score9 =0; }
elseif ($q9 == "Windows Help"){ $ans9 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question9 = "It is a primary graphical interface to operating system. ";
$score9 =0; }
elseif ($q9 == ""){ $ans9 = "";
$question9 = "";
$score9 =0;
if ($q10 == "Power Supply") {
$ans10 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question10 = "Most important electrical component of computer is: ";
$score10 =1;}
elseif ($q10 == "Operating System"){ $ans10 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question10 = "Most important electrical component of computer is: ";
$score10 =0; }
elseif ($q10 == "Application Software"){ $ans10 ="<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question10 = "Most important electrical component of computer is: ";
$score10 =0; }
elseif ($q10 == ""){ $ans10 = "";
$question10 = "";
$score10 =0;
if ($name11 == "monitor" or $name11 == "Monitor" or $name11 == "MONITOR") {
$question11 = "It visually displays primary-output of computer. ";
$ans11 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$score11 = 1;}
elseif ($name11 <> "" && $name11 <> "monitor"){ $ans11 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question11 = "It visually displays primary-output of computer. ";
$score11 = 0;}
elseif ($name11 == ""){ $ans11 = "";
$question11 = "";
$score11 = 0;
if ($name12 == "Transmission Control Protocol" or $name12 == "transmission control protocol" or $name12 == "TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL") {
$question12 = "What does TCP stands for? ";
$ans12 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$score12 = 1;}
elseif ($name12 <> "" && $name12 <> "Transmission Control Protocol"){ $ans12 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question12 = "What does TCP stands for? ";
$score12 = 0;}
elseif ($name12 == ""){ $ans12 = "";
$question12 = "";
$score12 = 0;
if ($q13 == "Key Stroke Short Cuts") {
$ans13 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question13 = "It provides a way to perform task without a mouse. ";
$score13 =1;}
elseif ($q13 == " Device Manager"){ $ans13 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question13 = "It provides a way to perform task without a mouse. ";
$score13 =0; }
elseif ($q13 == "System Information"){ $ans13 ="<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question13 = "It provides a way to perform task without a mouse. ";
$score13 =0; }
elseif ($q13 == ""){ $ans13 = "";
$question13 = "";
$score13 =0;
if ($q14 == "Windows 9x/Me") {
$ans14 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question14 = "Refers to Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me and designed to bridge legacy and newer technologies. ";
$score14 =1;}
elseif ($q14 == "DOS"){ $ans14 ="<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question14 = "Refers to Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me and designed to bridge legacy and newer technologies. ";
$score14 =0; }
elseif ($q14 == "Windows NT"){ $ans14 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question14 = "Refers to Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me and designed to bridge legacy and newer technologies. ";
$score14 =0; }
elseif ($q14 == ""){ $ans14 = "";
$question14 = "";
$score14 =0;
if ($q15== "Long Horn") {
$ans15 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question15 = "Refers to Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me and designed to bridge legacy and newer technologies. ";
$score15 =1;}
elseif ($q15 == "Short Horn"){ $ans15 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question15 = "Refers to Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me and designed to bridge legacy and newer technologies. ";
$score15 =0; }
elseif ($q15 == "Middle Horn"){ $ans15 ="<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question15 = "Refers to Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me and designed to bridge legacy and newer technologies. ";
$score15 =0; }
elseif ($q15 == ""){ $ans15 = "";
$question15 = "";
$score15 =0;
if ($q16== "RAM") {
$ans16 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question16 = "Device providing temporary storage. ";
$score16 =1;}
elseif ($q16 == "ROM"){ $ans16 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question16 = "Device providing temporary storage. ";
$score16 =0; }
elseif ($q16 == "RIMM"){ $ans16 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question16 = "Device providing temporary storage. ";
$score16=0; }
elseif ($q16 == ""){ $ans16 = "";
$question16 = "";
$score16 =0;
if ($q17== "port") {
$ans17 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question17 = "An access point located in back or front of case. ";
$score17 =1;}
elseif ($q17 == "mouse"){ $ans17 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question17 = "An access point located in back or front of case. ";
$score17 =0; }
elseif ($q17 == "keyboard"){ $ans17 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question17 = "An access point located in back or front of case. ";
$score17=0; }
elseif ($q17 == ""){ $ans17 = "";
$question17 = "";
$score17 =0;
if ($q18== "1 million cycle/second") {
$ans18 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question18 = "One MegaHertz is equivalent to? ";
$score18 =1;}
elseif ($q18 == "100 cycle/second"){ $ans18 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question18 = "One MegaHertz is equivalent to? ";
$score18 =0; }
elseif ($q18 == "1 Billion cycle/second"){ $ans18 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question18 = "One MegaHertz is equivalent to? ";
$score18=0; }
elseif ($q18 == ""){ $ans18 = "";
$question18 = "";
$score18 =0;
if ($q19== "166 MHz to 4 GHz") {
$ans19 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question19 = "What is the range of CPU speed? ";
$score19 =1;}
elseif ($q19 == "166 GHz to 4 MHz"){ $ans19 ="<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question19 = "What is the range of CPU speed? ";
$score19 =0; }
elseif ($q19 == "167 MHz to 4 GHz"){ $ans19 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question19 = "What is the range of CPU speed? ";
$score19=0; }
elseif ($q19 == ""){ $ans19 = "";
$question19 = "";
$score19 =0;
if ($q20== "Parallel and Serial ATA Standard") {
$ans20 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question20 = "It enables secondary storage device to interface with the motherboard. ";
$score20 =1;}
elseif ($q20 == "ROM"){ $ans20 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question20 = "It enables secondary storage device to interface with the motherboard. ";
$score20 =0; }
elseif ($q20 == "Computer"){ $ans20 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question20 = "It enables secondary storage device to interface with the motherboard. ";
$score20=0; }
elseif ($q20 == ""){ $ans20 = "";
$question20 = "";
$score20 =0;
if ($q21== "SOFTCOPY") {
$ans21 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question21 = "An output which can be seen in the screen. ";
$score21 =1;}
elseif ($q21 == "CLEAR COPY"){ $ans21 ="<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question21 = "An output which can be seen in the screen. ";
$score21 =0; }
elseif ($q21 == "HARDCOPY"){ $ans21 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question21 = "An output which can be seen in the screen. ";
$score21=0; }
elseif ($q21 == "PHOTOCOPY"){ $ans21 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question21 = "An output which can be seen in the screen. ";
$score21=0; }
elseif ($q21 == ""){ $ans21 = "";
$question21 = "";
$score21 =0;
if ($q22== "BIT") {
$ans22 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question22 = "Smallest unit of data in a computer system. ";
$score22 =1;}
elseif ($q22 == "BYTE"){ $ans22 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question22 = "Smallest unit of data in a computer system. ";
$score22 =0; }
elseif ($q22 == "KILOBYTE"){ $ans22 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question22 = "Smallest unit of data in a computer system. ";
$score22=0; }
elseif ($q22 == "MEGABYTE"){ $ans22 ="<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question22 = "Smallest unit of data in a computer system. ";
$score22=0; }
elseif ($q22 == ""){ $ans22 = "";
$question22 = "";
$score22 =0;
if ($q23== "RAM") {
$ans23 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question23 = "Part of main memory where it stores data temporarirly. ";
$score23 =1;}
elseif ($q23 == "ROM"){ $ans23 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question23 = "Part of main memory where it stores data temporarirly. ";
$score23 =0; }
elseif ($q23 == "FLOPPY DISK"){ $ans23 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question23 = "Part of main memory where it stores data temporarirly. ";
$score23=0; }
elseif ($q23 == "HARD DISK"){ $ans23 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question23 = "Part of main memory where it stores data temporarirly. ";
$score23=0; }
elseif ($q23 == ""){ $ans23 = "";
$question23 = "";
$score23 =0;
if ($q24== "System Software") {
$ans24 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$question24 = "Software designed for hardware related task. ";
$score24 =1;}
elseif ($q24 == "RAM"){ $ans24 ="<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question24 = "Software designed for hardware related task. ";
$score24 =0; }
elseif ($q24 == "Application Software"){ $ans24 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question24 = "Software designed for hardware related task. ";
$score24=0; }
elseif ($q24 == "Hardware"){ $ans24 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question24 = "Software designed for hardware related task. ";
$score24=0; }
elseif ($q24 == ""){ $ans24 = "";
$question24 = "";
$score24 =0;
if ($name25 == "chipset" or $name25 == "Chipset" or $name25 == "CHIPSET" or $name25 == "chipsets" or $name25 == "Chipsets" or $name25 == "CHIPSETS") {
$question25 = "A continous and additive process and simplifies quantitative changes. ";
$ans25 = "<img src="."'images/check.jpg'"."/>";
$score25 = 1;}
elseif ($name25 <> "" && $name25 <> "chipset" or $name25 <> "" && $name25 <> "chipset" ){ $ans25 = "<img src="."'images/wrong.jpg'"."/>";
$question25 = "A continous and additive process and simplifies quantitative changes. ";
$score25 = 0;}
elseif ($name25 == ""){ $ans25 = "";
$question25 = "";
$score25 = 0;
// code to generate the total score..... n_n
$total = $score + $score1 + $score2 + $score3 + $score4 + $score5 + $score6 + $score7 + $score8 + $score9 + $score10 + $score11 + $score12 + $score13 + $score14 + $score15 + $score16 + $score17 + $score18 + $score19 + $score20 + $score21 + $score22 + $score23 + $score24 + $score25;
<p> <br><table width = "75%" border="0" align ="default">
<td> </td>
<td><table border="0" align ="default">
<td><font face = "georgia" size ="4" color= "blue"><u><b>QUESTION</b></u></font></td>
<td width = "230"><font face = "georgia" size ="4" color= "blue"><b><u>Your answers are: </u></b></font></td>
<td><font face = "georgia" size ="4" color= "blue"><b><u>Results</u></b></font></td>
<td><font face ="georgia" size ="3">$question</font> </td>
<td><b>$name</b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans</b></font></td>
<td><font face ="georgia" size ="3">$question1</font> </td>
<td><b>$q1 </b></td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans1</b></font></td>
<td><font face ="georgia" size ="3">$question2</font> </td>
<td><b>$q2 </b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans2</b></font></td>
<td><font face ="georgia" size ="3">$question3</font> </td>
<td><b>$q3 </b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans3</b></font></td>
<td><font face ="georgia" size ="3">$question4</font> </td>
<td><b>$q4 </b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans4</b></font></td>
<td><font face ="georgia" size ="3">$question5</font> </td>
<td><b>$q5 </b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans5</b></font></td>
<td> <font face ="georgia" size ="3">$question6</font> </td>
<td><b>$q6 </b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans6</b></font></td>
<td> <font face ="georgia" size ="3">$question7</font> </td>
<td><b>$q7 </b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans7</b></font></td>
<td> <font face ="georgia">$question8</font> </td>
<td><b>$q8 </b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans8</b></font></td>
<td> <font face ="georgia" size ="3">$question9</font> </td>
<td><b>$q9 </b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans9</b></font></td>
<td> <font face ="georgia">$question10</font> </td>
<td><b>$q10 </b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans10</b></font></td>
<td> <font face ="georgia">$question11</font> </td>
<td><b>$name11 </b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans11</b></font></td>
<td> <font face ="georgia">$question12</font> </td>
<td><b>$name12 </b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans12</b></font></td>
<td><font face ="georgia" size ="3">$question13</font> </td>
<td><b>$q13 </b></td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans13</b></font></td>
<td><font face ="georgia" size ="3">$question14</font> </td>
<td><b>$q14 </b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans14</b></font></td>
<td><font face ="georgia" size ="3">$question15</font> </td>
<td><b>$q15 </b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans15</b></font></td>
<td><font face ="georgia" size ="3">$question16</font> </td>
<td><b>$q16 </b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans16</b></font></td>
<td><font face ="georgia" size ="3">$question17</font> </td>
<td><b>$q17</b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans17</b></font></td>
<td> <font face ="georgia" size ="3">$question18</font> </td>
<td><b>$q18</b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans18</b></font></td>
<td> <font face ="georgia" size ="3">$question19</font> </td>
<td><b>$q19</b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans19</b></font></td>
<td> <font face ="georgia">$question20</font> </td>
<td><b>$q20</b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans20</b></font></td>
<td> <font face ="georgia" size ="3">$question21</font> </td>
<td><b>$q21 </b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans21</b></font></td>
<td> <font face ="georgia">$question22</font> </td>
<td><b>$q22 </b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans22</b></font></td>
<td> <font face ="georgia">$question23</font> </td>
<td><b>$q23 </b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans23</b></font></td>
<td> <font face ="georgia">$question24</font> </td>
<td><b>$q24 </b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans24</b></font></td>
<td> <font face ="georgia">$question25</font> </td>
<td><b>$name25 </b> </td>
<td align ="center"> <font face ="georgia" size ="6" color= "green"><b>$ans25</b></font></td>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<tr ><td colspan ="3" align ="center" ><font face = "georgia" size ="4" color= "blue"><b>Your score is: $total</b></font></td></tr>
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